Privacy policy and terms and conditions.

Your data:Key summary.

  1. NHDM acts as the data controller. That means we are responsible for all the information you share with us when making an inquiry on our website.
  2. We never sell your data to third parties and collect only as much as we need to improve our experience, communicate with you or assist in your inquiry.
  3. We endeavour to protect your information and we won’t keep it longer than we need it.
  4. You are in control of any marketing messages we send to you . you will always be able to opt out and we shall periodically check whether you still want to hear from us.these marketing messages are treated separately from other emails we have to send to you such as marketing material,proposals,quotations,contracts or customer service messages.


Information we may collect from you.

We may collect and process some or more of the following data from you.

  • Username and password.

If we collect a username and password, we shall keep your information safe and secure so that it is not accessible to any other third parties.

  • Name address and postcode.

We need the details to be able to contact you for the different communications regarding             the different projects that we may be working on.proper response to inquiries inquiries,issuing quotations or contract details. Please rest assured that your details will be kept confidentially.

  • Email address.

We need to respond to your questions, inquiries, contracts via email

  • Telephone numbers

Incase of any urgent communications regarding any needed follow up.

  • We may record the correspondences when you contact us.
  • We may ask you to participate in surveys that we use for research purposes.
  • Details of your visits to our site and resources that you access.

With your permission we may use this information to keep you updated about our products and services. If you wish to stop receiving marketing messages you can unsubscribe at any time or contact our customer support team.

Your payment details.

We keep a record of the billing address you give to us as part of our fraud prevention process and for our future customer service inquiries such as ensuring that invoices are sent to the correct person /department. If you have paid through a third party payment provider like Paypal, we will keep a record of your email address and the payment reference. Other payment mechanisms include direct transfer to our bank account or by cheque.all the details are recorded in our account by the banking authority . for payment with a credit card or debit card we only store the last four digits. We use third party providers such as google pay to process payments meaning we never have access to your card details.this is in line with PCI regulations.


Your contact history.

A record may be kept When you contact our customer service team or business development team by email or phone. This is useful to help us personalise your experience with us and for our staff training purposes.


Information about your device and how you use our site.

We may  collect information about the devices you use when you visit our website. Such as type of mobile, web browser. This lets us adjust our website in accordance to your preferences and therefore improve your user experience.


  • We shall set up campaigns to achieve the best targeting and results however,WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CAMPAIGN OUTCOMES.
  • Payment terms will be 50% down payment and 50% upon the completion of the campaign period.VAT of 5% will also be included. No possibility of refunds.
  • The plans are set to run for one month and can be renewed at the end of the month.
  • The terms and conditions can change from time to time.
  • We are responsible for setting up the campaigns but the results are determined by other factors which we don’t have control over such as time,date,target audience,budget amount,.etc. we will not guarantee the outcome of the campaigns.